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Armonk Baseball and Softball

News Detail


Jan, 2025

ABL 2025 Spring Rec Season Information

Registration Information: Registration is NOW OPEN on our website, (click on the “Registration Info” tab) and will run through March 17th

Uniforms/ABL Fan Store: We are working to open the Uniform Store and Fan Shop ASAP, and we will send ordering information as soon as available.  Once open, the ABL Fan Store will have logo t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, pull-overs and other items to support the ABL.

Season Schedule:  The 2025 Spring Recreational Baseball season will begin on Saturday, April 5th and end on Saturday, June 7th (no baseball on April 19th (Spring Break) or Memorial Day Weekend), though we may extend for some period of time to compensate for weather-related cancellations. 

Practice + Game Schedule by Division: Please refer to the chart below for detailed information by division.  As always, we do our best to avoid conflicts with other activities, but with limited field space for baseball, it’s not always possible.  We appreciate your understanding.

Division (Age Group)

Schedule (Time/Location)







Developmental (Pre-K)

Saturday: 9 – 10am @ IBM

Weekly practices and modified t-ball games run by professional coaches from JustinTime Baseball






Instructional (Kindergarten)

Saturday: 9 – 10:30am @ IBM

Weekly practices and modified t-ball games run by professional coaches from JustinTIme Baseball. Week 1 will be a full practice session, and subsequent weeks will be 45minute practices leading into a 2-3 inning game. Depending on skill level, coach pitch may be introduced as the season progresses to prepare the children for the Minors.






Minors (1st and 2nd grades)

Practices on MondayOR Tuesday 4 – 5:30pm @ TBD (children must select a practice day in connection with registration)


Games on Saturday 4:30 – 6pm @ TBD

Weekday practices ran by professional coaches from JustinTime Baseball. Saturday games are coach-pitch and parent-run.

Depending on enrollment numbers, grades may be combined.





Intermediates (3rd and 4th grades)

Practices on Thursday 5 – 630pm @ TBD

Games on Saturday 11am-1pm @ TBD


Weekday practices run by professional coaches from JustinTime Baseball. Saturday games are player-pitch and parent-run.

Beginning at some point in May, some Thursday practices may be replaced with a game at a similar time.

If you are interested in coaching an Inters rec team, please note that in your child’s registration.






Majors (5th, 6th and 7th grades)


Games are player-pitch and parent-run.

Format and viability of Majors rec baseball will depend on enrollment numbers. We encourage those interested to register ASAP and a decision we will communicate by mid/late February additional details regarding the division and provide families and opportunity to withdraw if no longer interested.


Spring Travel Baseball: As in prior years, the Spring Travel Season will run parallel with the ABL Recreational Season and will be administered by the Greater Hudson Valley Baseball League.  Teams for Spring 2025 were set in Fall 2024.  Travel players in grades 2- 4 must play rec baseball in order to continuing playing travel baseball in the Spring.  Information regarding tryouts for the Fall 2025/Spring 2026 Travel Teams will be made available later in the season, but are expected to occur in early/mid-June.  If you are interested in playing travel baseball in Summer 2025, you must indicate that on your Spring registration form.  If you have any questions regarding travel baseball, please reach out to Chris Cusmano at [email protected] or to the ABL at [email protected] .

Volunteers Needed: As a reminder, ABL is a 100% volunteer-run organization.  We thank you for your support and we are always looking for additional volunteers (as managers, coaches or members of the ABL Board).  If you are interested in helping and potentially joining our team, please email [email protected]!

Field Status

Closed Closed

IBM Complex (10:50 AM | 01/13/25)

Closed Closed

Clark Field (10:50 AM | 01/13/25)

Closed Closed

Town Hall (10:50 AM | 01/13/25)

Closed Closed

Lombardi Park (10:50 AM | 01/13/25)

Closed Closed

Hunter Field (10:50 AM | 01/13/25)

Closed Closed

Byram Hills High School (10:50 AM | 01/13/25)